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"es para ti" poetry book

"es para ti" poetry book

Regular price $10.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $10.00 USD
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hello everyone,

if you made it this far i appreciate the support and you taking the time to look at my art. whether that was for my paintings, or what i have been working on these past 3 months, this poetry book! my book is going to be made up of poems in both english and spanish(mostly english). "es para ti" is currently in the process of being self-published but wanted to give you guys a chance to show some love and support and also get a sneak peak at my book. :) 


"es para ti" is a poetry book made up of 3 parts. 

"los poemas de un ayer," (poems of a yesterday,)

"momentos de placer," (moments of pleasure,)

"y un nuevo amanecer." (and a new sunrise.)

written by jose javier


***this is an e-book(PDF File) that will be emailed to you. any sales from you guys would allow me to reach my goal of self-publishing and would mean the world to me.***

***(any purchase of the e-book will receive a physical copy of my book when the book is published)***

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